Hi Church Family!

Christmas is officially upon us! And in the midst of the rush of this season, we want to help you slow down and focus on what Christmas is all about. That’s why we want to invite you to join us in studying the Bible together during Advent!

Christians have historically celebrated Advent (which means “arrival”) in the weeks leading up to Christmas where we prepare our hearts for the arrival of Christ. One way we want to help you prepare well in this time is by directing you to places in Scripture that point to Jesus’ arrival and help us understand the meaning of His coming in a deeper way.

Whether you already have a routine of studying Scripture regularly or not, we’d love for everyone to jump in! This is a great time to begin reading the Bible, or these readings can supplement your regular reading with passages related to Christmas.

Below is a downloadable flyer with each days’ reading, beginning on Sunday, November 27th and taking you through Christmas Eve. We’ll also have physical handouts at church on Sundays throughout the Christmas season!

I look forward to joining you in one of the most formative spiritual practices we can engage in–hearing God speak to us through His living word!


Advent Bible Reading Plan

(P.S.–if you don’t have a physical Bible or would rather read on your device, download the Youversion Bible App on your phone, or you can read online on websites like biblegateway.com)